clinical expertise compassionate care

Through clinical research and field application, Abacus is focused on activating health behavior change, improving health outcomes, and lowering healthcare costs using incentives, communications, and technology.

For over thirty years, Abacus has been awarded more than $10 million in federal funding from Small Business Innovation Research grants from multiple divisions of the federal government including the National Institutes on Health and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.  Those grants primarily funded the research and development of evidence-based, consumer decision-support eHealth tools that are effective in improving health outcomes.

Our team's research projects

Heart AgeTM

The HeartAge tool, developed with funding from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), can be used to make members aware of their risk for CVD, understand risk factors, and motivate behavior change. Co-Founder David Ahern is a co-author.


myMedicationAdvisor is an online tool funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) that promotes the safe and proper use of prescription medication, increases adherence to prescribed regimens, and maximizes the value of Rx spending.

My Health Maximizer®

My Health Maximizer is an eHealth tool developed with funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Users obtain guidance, critical feedback, and tracking tools to create and maintain a healthier lifestyle by eating better, getting physical exercise, and quitting smoking.

eBlood Pressure®

eBlood Pressure is an eHealth tool developed with funding from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).  The solution encourages users to remotely monitor their blood pressure using an bluetooth connect blood pressure cuff and provides incentives for routine monitoring and sharing of reading with a users PCP.