Technology and process that produce results !

When technology meets process, the intersection produces unparalleled results.  At Abacus, we’ve honed both our technology platforms, and operational process to meet the needs of clients and health plan members across all industry sectors.

Our ability to utilize precision health data allows us to deliver relavent and timely communications that result in healthier populations and lower costs.

Risk Anaylsis

Utilizing our proprietary risk algorithm the Abacus data team mines medical and pharmacy claims data to develop a risk stratification analysis that drives customized outreach.


Abacus deploys both broad based and targeted communications proven to connect and engage the member in a healthier lifestyle resulting in lower costs.


Utilizing timely, behavior based, contingent incentives Abacus programs drive user adoption and program adherence.

Analytics & Reporting

Measurement is key in the Abacus offering, our programs produce better population health, reduce hospitalizations and lower costs.

Data warehouse and proprietary risk stratification

As a Microsoft Certified Partner and HIPAA compliant organization, the Abacus data warehouse is the backbone of our patient engagement program.  Utilizing medical and pharmacy claims from national and regional health plans and the major PBMs, provider and clinical data and user preference info, Abacus turns tens of millions of lines of data into a pinpoint engagement profile for every potential member and program participant.  The result, 3 times higher participation than other disease management programs, improved health, reduced hospitalizations and lower costs.

Communications driven by precision health data


Targeted communications based on proprietary risk stratification delivers high rates of adoption in program year 1 and beyond.


Coupling health care analytics with member preference and clinical metrics allows Abacus to deliver timely, relevant communications that drive member action and adherence.


Proprietary incentive modeling allows Abacus to turn on and off incentives based on program adherence, driving lapse members back into the program in real-time.

Timely, behavior contingent incentives

Founded by a team  behavioral physiologists, Abacus believes incentives are crucial to driving behavior change as long a the incentives are delivered in a timely manner and are earned and maintained overtime.

Abacus supports multiple incentive options
  • Pharmacy based co-payment waivers for program adherent members
  • Restricted use Visa debit card for qualified 213D medical expenses
  • HSA/HRA deposits
  • Premium reductions

Over a decade of proven results

Our clients ask us to manage their at risk populations to improve health, reduce hospitalizations and lower costs.    Abacus analytics and reporting, establishes a baseline at the outset of the program for the entire at risk population and measure success on the impact our programs have on the entirety of the population.

Our most defensible metrics include reductions in hospital admissions, hospital days stay and medical claims

Medical Claims Saved
Across Book of Business
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